A Night Out at Alhambra Palace

October’s A Night Out Event took the form of an evening at Alhambra Palace restaurant, where 33 clients of our counseling and court advocacy services enjoyed dinner and a variety show.

Participants enjoyed an unforgettable experience: a delicious Mediterranean dinner served in a setting that recreates the splendor of the Moorish style of Middle Eastern and North African art. This social event also featured entertainment in the form of belly dancing from Vanessa “la Mysteriosa” and a variety show. Many attendees joined in the dancing, some even taking to the stage!

Most attendees agreed that this event had a positive impact in their lives, alleviating their loneliness and improving their mood. “Thank you for the invitation, I had a good time and left aside my problems,” said one client. Another client told us: “I am grateful for the experience, I really needed this! I love Between Friends and everything they have done for me!”

A Night Out is a program that enables families impacted by domestic violence to enjoy fun and safe group outings, accompanied by trained clinicians and volunteers. In the past we’ve taken people to comedy shows, catered meals, spa nights, theater performances, the circus and Medieval Times Funding that Between Friends has received from NorthShore’s Community Investment Fund will be used to support more A Night Out events like this in the future. 

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