Teen Dating Violence Prevention
Relationship Education: A Choice for Hope (REACH)

We believe it’s important to talk to young people at an early age about what makes a healthy relationship and what are the signs of harm or abuse. We put these principles into practice through our program Relationship Education: A Choice for Hope (REACH), one of the largest and most comprehensive teen dating violence prevention programs in Illinois. Since 1995, REACH has served tens of thousands of young people.
In Chicago Public Schools classrooms, and wherever we are invited to talk, REACH engages 6th through 12th grade youth to examine issues including empathy, consent, boundaries, and conflict resolution in all kinds of relationships, as well as how to make positive differences in their communities. Between Friends educators also make sure teens know how to access information and services.
Youth Creating Allies for Relationship Education (YCARE) engages high school students to be leaders in their communities, to educate and raise awareness about dating violence, and to learn skills and strategies to build healthy identities, relationships, and communities. Topics covered in YCARE include privilege and oppression, gender roles, building healthy relationships, the effects of trauma and sexual harassment, job-skills, financial education, reparative justice, youth facilitation, self-reflection, the importance of consent, advocacy skills, empowerment, and self-care.
Adults have a great deal to learn from young people too. The REACH program organizes prevention and education workshops for parents, educators, health care providers, and other adult allies who work with teens. All our prevention programming aligns with the Illinois Social and Emotional Learning standards and National Sexuality Education Standards, and promotes safe and healthy relationship development.
To request a presentation, class, or workshop, please complete this contact form.
Curious about our programs? Have questions about how to get involved? Contact us today to get started.