Two participants wearing silly eye glasses and a clown nose

A Night Out – At The Circus!

June’s A Night Out event was at the Circo Hermanos Vazquez (aka Circus Vazquez) in Skokie, IL. The generous number of free tickets provided by the Circus to Between Friends allowed us to bring over 100 participants to the event, mostly clients who have received our counseling or court advocacy services.

Circo Hermanos Vazquez was first founded in 1969 in Mexico City. It was the first show to present at the historical Zócalo, Mexico City’s main plaza, and has toured all parts of Central America and Mexico. What began as a family dream has since grown to be a major success and crossed over to a new audience.

A Night Out participants received circus clown goodies, such as a funky pair of glasses, clown nose, and lighting wands, to make the event even more fun! Attendees enjoyed the spectacular circus performances and the funny and interactive clown show.

After the event, attendees told us they felt more optimistic about the future, and felt less loneliness and isolation. “I laughed, enjoyed the event, and met new friends!”, said one attendee, while others added “The team made me feel welcome and loved,” and “We feel blessed after this invitation — thank you to Between Friends and the Hermanos Vazquez for making it possible.”

A Night Out is a program that enables families impacted by domestic violence to enjoy fun and safe group outings, accompanied by trained clinicians and volunteers. In the past we’ve taken people to comedy shows, catered meals, spa nights, theater performances, and Medieval Times! Funding that Between Friends has received from NorthShore’s Community Investment Fund will be used to support more A Night Out events like this in the future.

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